Lisa Rose,
anymore I generally try to stay out of bible debate because it's all interpretation. But you're factually wrong about the bible not encouraging shunning.
there are direct references in the old testament which I already referred to, where it says one should be "cut off" from amongst the people. Watchtower falsely states this to mean killed - it does not mean killed. If they would study history and use the Hebrew term as it is meant, they'd actually have an argument for shunning that's scripturally based. Because that's what is happening, a person is shunned and sent to a city ostracized from family and friends.
No, the bible does not justify what the Watchtower does, which is to break up families, hurt people who are going through difficult times and shut down those with valid concerns, all to protect the hierarchy of a cult.
This is just blatently untrue. Peter, as an apostle, literally kills a couple for holding back some of their money and pretending to give a lot to the early Christian congregation. This is way worse than shunning, I'd take shunning over this any day. So if we are going to try to use the bible to show shunning is wrong maybe we should stop, lest they start ACTUALLY killing people and follow Peters example.